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Deepak Aarti

Special Deepak Aarti

Special Deepak Aarti at Sri Vijaya Venkateshwara Tirupati Balaji Dhaam, Mount Abu, Rajasthan is a profoundly significant ritual that holds great spiritual importance. This ceremonial offering of light, performed with utmost devotion, symbolizes the dispelling of darkness, both within our hearts and in the world. As the lamps are lit and waved before the divine deities, it represents the illumination of our souls and the path towards enlightenment. Devotees gather during this sacred event to witness the mesmerizing play of light and to immerse themselves in the divine energy that surrounds the temple. The Special Deepak Aarti is a time for introspection, prayer, and a deep connection with the divine, allowing all those present to experience a profound sense of peace and spiritual upliftment.

Register now for Special Deepak Aarti!

*Registration is not compulsory

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